
Best travel tips before an international tour

If this is your first time abroad or you’re just looking for a quick checklist to make sure you’re all set, here are some travel tips to make sure :

  1. Make sure you have all your proper vaccinations and check if your insurance covers medical emergencies overseas just in case.
  2. Ensure you’ve done the math for currency conversions before you go for no last-minute surprises. Always visit ATMs or banks in the heart of the city for currency conversion to prevent being ripped off at currency exchangers near airports. Keep extra cash in hand for travel by buses or trains.
  3. Always make copies of your passport in the event it gets lost or stolen to be able to prove your citizenship. Store a copy on the cloud, leave one with a trusted source for a secured backup. Register with your embassy before leaving which will make it easier for your government to contact you if needed.
  4. Some countries have entry and exit fees which is not included in the airline fare. This cost sometimes goes to over 200$ hence make sure you’re well informed.
  5. Different countries have different plug sizes and voltage. Always carry an adaptor along.
  6. Cuisines in various countries may not always suit your palette, so remember to carry dry snacks that’ll keep you going till you find that perfect spot for your meal.
  7. Research the place you want to visit well enough to have a rough check-list so you don’t waste time trying to figure out how you want to spend your day. Purchase tickets in advance for any shows you want to see, or a cruise you want to go on.
  8. Stay at locations closer to markets if you’re a solo first-time traveler to make it easier to find transport and roadmaps to your destinations for the day.
  9. Always leave some time for exploring the place and rest days so you don’t tire yourself out.

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